By Ally B
If you would have told me a couple years ago today I would be living in Dallas, an active serving member of a church, going on mission trips to Brazil and Haiti, and single at age 28... I would have told you that you were crazy! Never in my wildest dreams did I think this is where the Lord would have reality I wasn’t concerned back then where the Lord would have me at all; I was MORE concerned with what *I* wanted. But now that I've gone ALL IN with my faith, life is even greater than I could EVER have imagined.
"You are a part of something much bigger than you when you are all in with your faith." ~JP
I love when JP talked about how we all desire to be a part of something bigger than us. It's so true, we even idolize fame and fortune and the desire to stamp our name on something great, Trump style! The problem is we all want to do something great, but few of us yield to the one true source of greatness, GOD. As JP went through Acts 16 and shared the first three members of the church in Europe (Lydia who sold clothes, a demon possessed slave girl, and a prison guard) it reminded me of Psalm 51:16-17 that says:
"You do not delight in sacrifice, or I would bring it; you do not take pleasure in burnt offerings. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a BROKEN AND CONTRITE HEART, O God, you will not despise."
Once these three submitted to the Lord he changed them and used them in a big way.The Lord doesn’t look for the wise and righteous in the way the world defines it; the Lord uses those who love Him and are willing to submit their broken heart and spirit to Him--see Paul. We may all be very different in our skills set and personalities, but when we come together in a willingness to submit our broken heart and spirit the Lord can make big things happen!
As I’ve been serving here at The Porch, and on discipleship trips to other countries, I’ve never felt more alive, more in tune with what I was created to do: love God and love others. (Matthew 22:38-39) Once I was all in and willing to submit to Christ, I’ve seen God do great things in my life and those around me who have done the same. I’ve come to understand that a God who endured suffering, can understand ours. Even in tough times I’ve realized that "peace cannot come without grace. There has to be grace for there to be peace." In Christ you find peace (Philippians 4:7).
Lately, when I struggle with being single, I find comfort in knowing that God knows exactly what I need and provides just that. God isn't done with me yet in my singleness. Maybe there are still things He wants to do with me while He has my full and undivided attention before I meet the right guy. I KNOW GOD IS UP TO SOMETHING. I just have to continue to be ready and available to Him.
GOD IS UP TO SOMETHING. I pray that we would be all in with our faith, and that we would give up anything and everything to be a part of something great, a part of the greatest adventure that is knowing, loving, and serving our GREAT CREATOR...our GREAT SAVIOR...our GREAT REDEEMER...our GREAT KING.
Do you believe that God has an even greater plan for your life than you do?
Are you ready and fully available to Him?
What’s in the way of you coming to Him with a broken and contrite heart?