A Tuesday Night Gathering for Young Adults in Dallas, TX


Here, there, everywhere.


Your 20s and 30s are some of the most defining years of your life that you often don’t know how to navigate. The Porch is a place where you can come as you are, no matter your past or present, to find authentic friendships and hear messages about dating, relationships, finances, mental health, faith, and more.


Find the most asked questions and their answers right here.

We gather every Tuesday night in the main auditorium of Watermark Community Church. The address to Watermark is 7540 Lyndon B Johnson Fwy, Dallas, TX 75251.

They’re kind of like church but think more of a big hangout with thousands of other young adults. The Porch services are typically 1.5 hours long and include music and a message. Don’t worry, there’s time to connect and meet people before and after. We also often host social events after the service. Follow us on social media to be in the know about those events.

Awesome! We want you to feel welcomed and comfortable. We do that by hosting you for the night, introducing you to some people, and getting you connected. You can let us know in advance, and we’ll make sure you have someone to sit with!

Our desire is to be a place where young adults can come as they are. Coming from work? Business professional is welcomed. Feel like staying in your sweats? We won’t judge.

We are Jesus people but that doesn’t mean we don’t know how to have a good time. We like good conversations (anything from that new DTX restaurant to Netflix shows, “hot takes”, and sports), keeping it real by being authentic, and meeting new people!

People sometimes think we’re a restaurant with the same name in Dallas. BAD NEWS. We don’t have food. GOOD NEWS. Your life will be changed, and you can save $ because The Porch is FREE.

You can park in any of the spaces of the main lot at Watermark Community Church at 7540 LBJ. If the spots are full, we have overflow parking in the parking garage across the street from Benihana.

Yes! Watermark Community Church is the local church that we exist within. The Porch is a front door to connecting with the church.

No, but we value the importance of getting plugged into a local church and encourage all of our attendees to become members of Watermark Community Church if they do not have a church to call home.

You can sign up for any membership class on Watermark’s website!

Find A Location Near You

Our home is Dallas, TX, but we’ve got friends hosting Porch Live locations across the nation — so even if you’re not in our neighborhood, check to see if your local church has a gathering!