By Ally B
As JP spoke last week about "Simulated Christianity", having confidence that God is doing something, and leveraging your suffering, opposition, and life for the Gospel, I initially thought about sharing how I first came to The Porch which led me to Christ. It is a funny story and I definitely would love to share it sometime, but as the week has gone by the Lord has really put it on my heart to share about my sweet cousin Betsy.
Our family has always said that Betsy and I are a lot alike in personality. Strong willed, will say how we feel, and enjoy being social. She is three years younger than me and almost six years younger than my sister so we’ve always felt like she looked up to us, but I’ve truly grown to admire and learn from Betsy the past six months.
November 20th, 2010, my 24 year old cousin was five months pregnant with twin boys Easton Craig and Benjamin Parker. That day she had complications and gave birth to her boys who did not make it. Her faith during this time is truly inspiring. Here are a few lines from her blog (
I’ll never forget Doctor G. telling me, "It’s time to push". When a woman hears these words it’s usually when she is about to give birth to a healthy, breathing baby. This was not our situation. Trent and I both knew without asking that our children wouldn’t live. We knew they weighed right at a pound, but were still four weeks away from viability. This began the worst hour of my life…
Dr. G. then began to cry. She was truly devastated and hurt by what had happened. She felt so bad and I knew she had done everything she could have. This wasn’t her fault, it wasn’t my fault, it wasn’t anyone’s fault. God just needed my boys more than I did. They were His before they were mine and Trent’s. God knew we would only carry them for five months and that they would forever live in our hearts…
I am so glad that God put Trent in my life. He is a great husband and father. We prayed daily over these boys, with him initiating the prayer. That’s a real man in my eyes. One who isn’t afraid to pray, even when nurses and doctors are waiting…
We give God all of the glory for the five months that I was able to carry Easton and Parker and we will continue to praise Him in this storm.
My cousin and her husband are the real deal. They are ALL IN for Christ and are leveraging everything to advance the Gospel. If you look at their blog it is filled with praise, joy, and scripture like this:
"I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us." –Romans 8:18
They have boldly shared their faith and encouraged the hospital staff, our family, and all of their friends. God is using them in a HUGE way and I am challenged.
"Your greatest frustrations/sufferings are your greatest opportunities to advance/share the Gospel. For you to be Christ in the situation and God to be glorified." –JP
I encourage you to go back and listen to JP’s message from this past Tuesday.
Praying for you all~