By Ally B
Wait, what do you mean it’s not about me?!
I struggle to find words for this week’s devotional probably because I realize what he is saying in John 3:30, "He must become greater; I must become less".
I have to confess to you that I am at times selfish, prideful, and often think too much about me. I can tell you though, the times I’ve thought less of myself, and more about others and Christ…those times have been the most joyful and best times of my life. Those are the times I truly feel alive.
I love when JP said, "Once we realize who God is (powerful, magnificent, sovereign) we realize our place." Far too often we have this "look at me" mentality, instead of "look at my great God". "We want to be awesome. We don’t want to worship an awesome God."
As I prepare to leave for Haiti (you’ll actually be reading this as I am there), I am completely humbled at the thought of God wanting to use me in another part of the world. Me? How crazy and awesome is it that God desires for us to know him and for us to share Him with others? You and I, people that have turned our backs on him, done what we wanted, when we wanted, and how we wanted to. He wants to use us, the people who have ignored Christ more times than not and made this life all about ourselves, instead of all about our AWESOME, AWESOME God. He wants to use us? What’s so great is that no matter what we’ve done or how many times we have focused on ourselves, we are not exempt from God’s love, forgiveness, compassion, and grace. YOU are not exempt from God wanting to use you in an incredible way. Just look past yourself and fix your eyes on Christ. Get to know your Creator, Father, Savior...
You have to realize this life isn’t about you. It isn’t about what car you drive, what job you have, how much money you make, who you are dating, what you are wearing, or anything great or even anything terrible you’ve done. None of that matters and all of that will change. Life happens, earthquakes may come, everything changes; God remains the same (Hebrews 13:8). Do you know Him? And are you making Him known? Jesus paid it all, and all to him I owe...
Can you see God past yourselves? Or are you thinking about "ME" all the time?
Can others see your God past you? Are they attracted to you or your God?
I encourage you to read back through John 3.
Praying for you all~