Scott Harrison, founder of charity:water
Former night club promoter, drunk, wasted, morally bankrupt
Started reading A.W. Tozer's "Pursuit of God"
Signed up as a volunteer photographer with Mercy Ship to Liberia
Job was to take pictures of people with facial deformities as an advance team for surgeons
Couldn't get enough--volunteered for another tour/year
Water changes everything.
Reinvent charity.
It all started with a birthday party in 2006.
Four and a half years later: $37M, 19 countries, 3962 wells
Lessons learned:
- opportunity vs. guilt
- - self-righteousness would get him nowhere
- - start selling $20 bottles of water
- get off the couch
- kill stuff
- - stopped selling bottled water because of impact on environment
- - even though a profit maker
- if you are wrong, admit it
- - openly communicated the unfounded nature of a statement
- broadcast your failures
- - failed with a well
- get a mean coach (really)
- - don't be afraid of negativity and being told you're lousy
- marry the brand
- don't run out of money (if you do, don't compromise)
- find your big idea
- give up your birthday
- mycharity: water (their story)
- think really, really, really big (then execute)
If not us, who?
If not now, when?