Day 12: Crushing Finding Joy Hero Image
Day 12: Crushing Finding Joy Hero Image
Dec 27, 2019 / 3 min

Day 12: Crushing Finding Joy

Laura Eldredge

You may have had the best Christmas ever this year, or you may still be trying to smile through pain. Either way, we hope that this resource has made it a little bit better.

Yesterday we talked about disappointment, and the days prior we covered a number of other struggles common to young adults. As we wrap this devo up, we don’t want to leave without reminding you of this – no matter what you are going through, how hard things in your life have been, or how relevant any of the previous days’ struggles have been for you, God promises that one day the struggle will be over and He’ll make it all right. And because of that, you can have joy. Joy isn’t found in the absence of pain, but in the hope of God’s future restoration despite pain.

Instead of looking to God for joy in painful circumstances our culture has encouraged us to go to greath lengths to numb it. But pain can be a helpful indicator that something is wrong, and it is – this world is broken. God, thousands of years ago, made everything in its perfect state, even humans. Man made a choice to sin against him, which introduced death, decay and wreckage into everything that we see, taste, touch, feel, hear, sense and experience today. Pain wasn’t part of God’s original design, and though He uses it for our good, He takes no delight in what causes it. Divorce, heartache, poverty, drug addiction, insecurity, pornography, broken relationships, unfulfilled longings…As you move into the New Year, we want you to find joy, not when your circumstances change, but in truly believing the promise that one day, God will make everything right.

Read the following scriptures and then answer the questions below.

2 Corinthians 4:16-18 - Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

Psalm 116:7 – Return to your rest, my soul, for the Lord has been good to you.

  1. What threatens to steal your joy? Do you make a habit of reminding yourself that God will make it all right one day soon?

  2. Do you tend to think about the positive or negative side of things? What can you practically do today and the rest of this year to choose to strengthen your heart and hold on to joy?

  3. Which devo of the last 12 has been the most impactful for you? (Pro-Tip: Consider sharing with someone in need).

Pray: God, Thank you for offering true joy through the future promise that Jesus is coming back. Thank you that one day, You will make everything right. Help me fight to believe that I can have joy no matter what my circumstances are.

Click Here For Day 11: Crushing It Through Disappointment

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