God Remains The Same Hero Image
God Remains The Same Hero Image
Dec 27, 2010 / 2 min

God Remains The Same

The Porch

By Ally B

It’s hard to believe 2010 is coming to an end. This is the time of year where people reflect on what all has happened and start making resolutions for the New Year. It’s the time where people often figure out things they want to change to better their lives. While praying about what to share with you all this week the LORD has really put something on my heart that I’ve felt reminded of almost daily the last couple weeks that seems pretty simple really...THINGS CHANGE, BUT GOD REMAINS THE SAME.

Jobs change, our feelings change, relationships change, our diet changes, our weight changes, people pass away, people get married and have kids, where we live changes, the way we view the world changes, our hair changes, styles change, phones change, we lose our way, we grow spiritually...EVERYTHING changes, but do you know your LORD?

"The first of 6,823 usages occurs in Genesis 2:4 where Jehovah is compounded with Elohim...when we read the name Jehovah, or LORD in capital letters, in our Bible, we think in terms of being or existence and life, ...Jehovah is the self-existent One- "I AM WHO I AM." He is the eternal I AM, the Alpha and the Omega, the same yesterday, today and forever. All of life is contained in Him.

Why do we look elsewhere? Why do we not rest in His unchangeableness? He has never failed. Would He begin with me or you? He cannot. He is Jehovah, the self-existent, covenant-keeping God." (Lord I Want to Know You, 55)

When I reflect on this past year at The Porch it’s been amazing to see God’s faithfulness in so many of our lives. We are not the same as we were a year ago, and I pray we continue to grow in the likeness of Christ Jesus. I pray that our eyes would be fixed on Jesus (2 Corinthians 4:18, Hebrews 12:2), that we would trust in our LORD who never leaves us nor forsakes us (Deuteronomy 31), who does not change (James 1:17), and always provides. I pray that you would know the Lord as your Jehovah-jireh, "the Lord will provide."

Thank you for letting me serve with you all this past year. It has truly brought me so much joy. As I think of 2011 I pray that our New Year’s resolutions wouldn’t be something that a month from now we forget or doesn’t really matter, but that we would commit to seek Christ, know Him, trust Him, and be more like Him. Forgiving others, glorifying Him in all we do, and living on mission for His eternal Kingdom. I pray we would hold loosely to the things of this world, and cling tightly to the cross.

As always...Praying for you all~