I Wish I Didn't Worry Hero Image
I Wish I Didn't Worry Hero Image
Jun 28, 2011 / 3 min

I Wish I Didn't Worry

The Porch

“Obsession over self leads to exhaustible anxiety. Obsession over Jesus leads to peace.”

I worry far too often. Does my outfit make me look funny? What do people think of me? Did I hurt someone’s feelings? Am I making my parents proud? Does God want me to be single forever? I admit I worry. The problem with this is “worry is a sin in that it proves we doubt God’s character.” I’ve heard JP say it before and truly believe that “the opposite of loving Christ, is loving self.” We are our own worst enemy. If we could take our eyes off ourselves for just a minute and fix them on Christ we’d allow peace to come into our lives. If you look back at the worries above, they are all about me... I realize I have some work to do. What about you?

“Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” –Philippians 4:4-8

I can remember many times saying to friends, “I wish I just didn’t care. I wish I didn’t worry.” As they have continually pointed me to the cross, and I’ve drawn near to God, he has provided such unexplainable peace. I used to be filled with worry and anxiety, but I’ve grown in the area of trusting in who God is and who I am in Christ. I’ve gotten much better at letting go and letting God, no longer trying to will my way through life and chasing after “mine”.

Part of that worry has played itself out in that I know many people, but very few people actually know me. Or as Matt said on Tuesday, “Many people know about you (thanks to Facebook), but few people know you.” Even as I blog each week and have shared parts of my testimony there have been many times where I feel that yes, people know about my past, but does anyone really know what I am feeling today? PRAISE GOD for faithful friends who have come along side me and spoken truth into my life. Friends that have taken the time to just sit with me, listen, and pray. Friends that don’t care to gossip or talk about meaningless things, but rather talk through what truly matters…how am I doing? How is my relationship with Christ? What is God teaching me lately? Praise God for brothers and sisters in Christ.

Do you have those friendships? Are you in community? Better asked, is your own pride, fear, insecurity, getting in the way of allowing others to speak truth into your life? Or even worse, is pride, fear, insecurity getting in the way of you drawing near to God? You’ll find peace there if you can get past yourself.

Father, I pray for those reading this…each and everyone. I pray that they would know they are sons and daughters to You their King! I thank you that we have never walked alone and that you continually are there waiting for us to turn around and trust you. God you are good, faithful, loving and worthy of all our praise. I thank you that we do not need to worry, you’ve got us, and you are continually growing and making us closer to your image. I pray that we wouldn’t worry and become distracted by work, relationships, and our own selfishness, but that we would trust in You always. Christ you are all. You are enough.