Wherever you may be, join us TONIGHT for a free CD release party and concert by Shane & Shane!
The Shanes will be officially releasing their new album, "Bring Your Nothing," next week (on Tuesday, May 14). However, they are having a CD release night at The Porch tonight, with a full free concert by Shane & Shane featuring songs from the new album. They will also have copies of the CD available for purchase--one full week before you can get them anywhere else.
If you are in the Dallas area, please join us. If you are not, you can still view the concert live online by clicking here.
The details:
Shane & Shane "Bring Your Nothing" CD Release Concert
Tuesday, May 7, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. Central (live online stream begins at 6:45)
The Porch at Watermark, 7450 LBJ Freeway, Dallas, TX 75251
Cost: FREE concert; early release CDs will be available for purchase at the show
At The Porch, we are blessed to have Shane & Shane lead worship each Tuesday night. If you were not with us last week, you can hear Shane Barnard tell the story behind his song "Embracing Accusations" on our video podcast here (after JP speaks). His performance of the song itself can be seen below.
If you could ask Shane and/or Shane one question, what would it be? Share in the comments below.