Aug 10, 2010 / 3 min


The Porch

By Ally B

This past week really hit home when JP went through James 4:1-10. I encourage you all to read back through those verses. He spoke on the battles we are going through: 1. The War Within You 2. The War Around You and 3. Victory Comes Through Brokenness.

There came a point in my life where the world around me seemed to have fallen apart. Everything I once had and thought of as needed for happiness had been taken from me within a two year time period. A head-on collision had left me changed physically, I was working a job that I didn’t enjoy, and my marriage was over. The war was within me. I tried to go to church, but would leave when the songs came on because I didn’t want anyone to see me cry. I had to be strong, being weak in my eyes would mean that my ex "won".

I quickly made new friends that seemed to have everything going for them, and everything this world had to offer. I bought into it. I thought of myself as strong and in control. I got this. I didn’t need anyone. I loved this world and all that it had to offer. The more I was “living the life” as the world would say, the more temptations came, and the more it consumed me. The war was around me. I was an enemy of God.

James 4:4 You adulterous people, don't you know that friendship with the world is hatred toward God? Anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God.

It got to a point where I felt so worthless. I knew what I was doing was wrong, but what hope did I have? Where do I even begin? I was too far gone… or so I thought.

There came a day where I couldn’t be “strong” anymore, I was tired of faking it and living only for this world, hiding any insecurity and pain I had. I was hopeless and broken…and I finally prayed. I prayed to God, even though I had turned my back on him time and time before. The difference was I now understood the Gospel and amazing grace that comes from surrendering my life to him and having a real relationship with my heavenly Father. (Romans 12:1-2) I understood the cross and that Jesus paid it ALL...and all to HIM I owe.

James 4: 6&10 God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble… Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.

I asked for his forgiveness and humbled myself before him. I didn’t know what my life would start to look like, but I didn’t care. I wanted (and still do) Jesus more than I wanted anything else in this world. I finally admitted... “Hey God I can’t fight, but will you fight for me?” and HE HAS BEEN SO FAITHFUL.

James 4:8 Come near to God and he will come near to you.

I can’t begin to describe how sweet life’s been since I’ve decided to join God’s team! It’s not always easy, but I’ve got the best player in the league on my team! He’s a veteran, who’s written the playbook, knows all the rules, and is undefeated. I’d also like to think of the team colors as orange and blue…like Auburn of course :)

What team are you playing for? God's or the world's? You can't be on both.

Praying for you all~