By Team Next Steps & Chris G
Last Saturday morning, nine of us who volunteer on Team Next Steps at The Porch went down to south Dallas to serve with Solomon's Porch and in particular, the Sidewalk Celebration Kids Outreach. It was an amazing morning of loving on and playing with boys and girls ranging from probably 3 to 15 years old. And it didn't end with soccer, football and crafts.
I had the privilege to join Chris L. and Cody B. (fellow teammates) as Cody led a small group discussion with two of the older teenage boys about what God says in the Bible about love. These kids (and we ourselves) are surrounded by the message that love equals sex, and that we give merely to get. With these two brothers, we walked through 1 Corinthians 13, 1 John 4, and John 13 to see what love truly is--God sending Jesus to lay down His life, loving one another, and a patient, self-sacrificing care for others.
All the while, the women from our team partnered with other Solomon's Porch volunteers to teach the younger kids stories from the Bible. It was beautiful.
The funny thing is that this Saturday wasn't an exception or a one-time event. Sidewalk Celebration & Solomon's Porch happen every Saturday morning, and folks like our teammates Heather, Cody, and Chris make it a regular part of their life to get involved. Just three or four miles south of some of the richest parts of Dallas, those of us who came for the first time found neighborhoods where drug deals are common business and prostitution is alive and well. In fact, the apartments just behind the field where we played are home to many of both.
The message that hit many of us was that we don't have to get on a plane or cross an ocean to meet people in need. Just take US-75 south to I-30W, exit Ervay and go south a mile or so. It's right there. Oddly enough, you actually might be safer going to South America or Asia to carry the gospel... But the truth is: wherever God has you is the safest place of all to be.
So what are you doing Saturday? Can you, your friends, or your community group give a morning to pour into your south Dallas neighbors' lives? Drop us a comment with any questions and we'll make sure you get connected!
Related post: While We Wait